GM Tips: 13 Pines

I've always been fascinated by the Wendigo and skinwalker legends. Both are part of First Nations folklore. Skinwalkers originate with the Navajo while the Wendigo was a part of First Nations Algonquin mythos. Here are some tips for running 13 Pines. 

1. If there is an encounter you want to include, but the characters don't visit that area of the map, change the encounter's location. The reference section of the adventure has a blank map you can use to place your own locations. Also, don't forget to use Dakota - she is the most knowledgeable about the town, so use her to guide the characters in the direction you want them to go. 

2. You only have one NPC in the party, so make sure to use Dakota to the fullest. The more active and engaged she is with the characters, the more impactful the final encounter will be when her father sacrifices himself to defeat the Windigo. 

3. If you are in a place where there is snow, wait for the winter to GM this adventure. Psychologically, it might be tough for players to get in the mindset of being trapped in a snowstorm if it's humid, hot, and sunny outside. 

4. Keep the momentum going! The characters don't need to visit every location - it might even be detrimental to the pacing if they do. Be mindful of the pacing. Once the characters have a good sense of what is going on, get them to Bruce Heartman's cabin. Also, be ready to initiate the attack on the medical clinic when you need to ramp up the action. 

5. Limit the character's resources initially and gradually give them more access to weapons and equipment as the game progresses. By the end, they should have access to the armory at the police station. 

6. This one is I'm repeating for each each Mini-Quest. Don't limit yourself to just the dialogue included. I put written dialogue in my adventures to give you sense of how conversations should go, and to make sure NPCs are not forgotten. Try not read it verbatim off the page - make it your own. 

7. As I mentioned in my tips for Clowns of Funland, be mindful of the celebrities the characters pick to play their characters. There is a little more leeway because they can't kill the skinwalkers until they discover the secret of white ash. Just remember if someone chooses Arnold Schwartzenegger to play their character it will be a much different adventure than if they chose Chadwick Bosemen (RIP). 

8. The attack on the hospital should feel like a desperate, chaotic struggle for survival. Even if a character is not directly attacked during a round, they should feel like the battle is raging around them. Think about the chaos of the Battle of the Bastards in Game of Thrones. 

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